You can watch a promotional video about WED 2010 HERE.

As I enjoy being part of this international campaign for environment protection, I was thinking of what can I do on this very day. And here are my ideas:
- Raise awareness about WED 2010 and in general about the environmental issue through this blog and other social media channels;
- Have another activity within the “Green Picnic” initiative at city parks;
- Finish my novel about current and future interrelations between Human and the Nature;
- Proceed further with my scientific work named “Companies and NGOs: The Synergy for Environmental Responsibility”;
- Continue acting in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, like no littering, turning off water and light when not needed, walking instead of using transport, etc. (check the Daily Do Something Tips for more examples).
Through these small and easy steps I have the opportunity to add my voice and hand to the global move for environment protection. Definitely, this is not enough, but it is just the beginning…

And what about YOU?
What will YOU do for WED 2010?